September 17, 2011

The College Memory

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I wrote this for my college magazine last year. It's a reminder of the days that we'd spend and how we long to cherish our friendship. Hope you'll enjoy reading it.
The College Memory
Lost in time...
I found this precious rhyme...
When I closed my eyes,
A nerve just pumped it out.
Days of sleepless wander,
Made me think of the past...
My college and friends,
A family I left behind...
Memories haunt me today,
Amidst the worldly bliss...
Slowly I live each day,
Biting silent tears under my breath...
All the fun we had...
And all the pranks we played...
Will remain a memory,
Forever, hereafter...
Will a reunion I see,
After 50 years or so...?
Will I be alive then...
To see my buddies again...?
Time will judge our luck...
And the tide our fate...
But let eternity unite us again
My Dear College Mate!

Poem By: Anoop M. Mathew
Written On: 30/06/2010

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