
March 22, 2012

Sweet Winter

College Life is a Sweet Winter...

Battered in El Salvador,
My spirit yearns for cold…
Trained like a young Labrador,
The mind sways away, untold!
Gentle mist from heaven afar,
Rained down like snow…
Hailstorms once iced above,
Now felt like tears of joy!
Emptied up like Santa’s ride,
Felt me, at end of time…
Feelings of happy tides,
Now rang on like a chime…

By: Anoop M. Mathew
Dated: 22-03-2012

Image Courtesy: M-Y-S-E-L-F


Saru Singhal said...

I loved the way you played with the facets of seasons. Beautiful...:)

Anoop Mathai Mathew said...

Thank you Saru. Those were feelings merely limited to a few lines.:-)

LeoPaw said...

Nice capture and complementing lines. College life indeed is sweet winter.

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